The Buyer's Guide to Real Estate

3 Ways To Improve School Security With Locks

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Are you concerned about security at your child’s school? A lot of parents feel the same way you do. With all of the terrible things that have happened on public school campuses lately, it is a legitimate concern, and one that governments at all levels are trying to address. Most schools have at least one police officer on duty at all times now, and security protocols for who gets to come on campus have increased. Read More»

2 Ways You Might Be Attracting Termites

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Can you imagine spending your life savings on a new home, only to discover a massive termite infestation a few months later? Although it might not seem like a real-life scenario, the typical termite queen can lay up to 30,000 eggs each and every day. If you attract a few termites, it can turn into a full-blown disaster in no time. Here are two ways that you might be attracting termites, and what you can do to fend off trouble. Read More»

6 Valuable Storage Unit Finds

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When someone rents a self storage unit and doesn’t pay their rent, the storage locker eventually becomes the property of the self-storage company. Once the company takes ownership, they auction off the abandoned units to the highest bidder. The winning bidder then takes ownership of all of the belongings inside of the unit. Sometimes people end up with a storage full of trash, sometimes they end up with a storage full of treasure. Read More»

Determining If You Need Bed Bug Pest Control In Utah

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Sometimes people are not sure whether or not they need professional bed bug pest control in Utah or not. When a beg bug infestation is small, people may question if they are being bit by something else while they sleep. Some people wonder if they are pinching themselves or scratching themselves in their sleep. However, there are other signs besides the bites that bed bugs leave behind that anyone can look for to determine whether or not they need professional bed bug pest control in Utah. Read More»