The Buyer's Guide to Real Estate

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How to Use a Financing Contingency Effectively When Buying a House

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When you get ready to write an offer on a house you want to buy, you may want to consider adding a financing contingency. A financing contingency will allow you to get out of the contract if you cannot obtain financing, but that is not all. You could word it in a way that allows you to get out of the contract if you cannot obtain a loan that meets your needs and desires. Read More»

Is Your Curb Appeal Distracting From Your Home?

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One of the most important preparation steps you can take to sell your home is to make sure the curb appeal is right. Potential buyers who pull up to a home that is worn looking are more likely to keep driving. You want to entice them to get out of the car and ring your doorbell. To help you avoid potential disasters with your curb appeal, here are some problems you need to look out for. Read More»

Questions To Ask The Home Inspector When Buying A House

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You are not required to get a home inspection before you buy a house, but doing so is a great idea. If you are house hunting and find a house you want to buy, you should include a contingency in your offer that it must pass a home inspection. This will protect you and will help you learn more about the house you are about to purchase. You should plan on being there when the inspector does this. Read More»

Tips To Assist With Locating A Lakefront Vacation Home That You Are Satisfied With

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If you would like to purchase a lakefront vacation home to utilize during weekends and holidays, the following tips will assist with finding a home that is located in a convenient location and that provides you with the amenities that you desire. Consider The View And Ease Of Access To The Lake After meeting with a real estate agent and viewing properties that are for sale, schedule a time to tour the ones that pique your interest. Read More»

3 Mistakes Veterans Make When Applying For A Home Loan

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Even though a VA loan is more veteran-friendly than other types of loans, you could still make costly mistakes that delay your ability to buy a home. Fortunately, those mistakes are usually avoidable. Here are the three most commonly made mistakes and how you can avoid them.   Skipping the Inspection in Favor of the VA Appraisal  Veterans Affairs will require you to obtain an appraisal of the home you want before your loan can be approved. Read More»

3 Steps To Take Before Last-Minute Showings On Your House

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When you list your home, an agent could call you at any time to let you know about an upcoming viewing. There may be times when you have hours or days to prepare for these viewings, but there may also be times when you have less than an hour. Getting your house prepared for a last-minute viewing can be somewhat difficult and overwhelming, but here are some tips that might help you with this. Read More»

When Is The Best Time To Buy A House?

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If you are ready to buy a house and would like to do this within the next year, waiting for a certain time period might offer the best results for you. There are times when buying a house is more beneficial for the buyer and not the seller, and waiting for these times can help you pay less for the house you want to buy. Here are a few things to know about the timing of your home purchase. Read More»

Reasons To Hire A Property Manager

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Owning a property like a storage unit facility or an apartment complex can be a lot of work and can turn into a headache. The money can be absolutely amazing, but the problems that arise can make the pay seem minimal. If your properties are bringing in enough money, you may want to consider hiring a property manager. Many property managers will be able to help you a great deal. Here are a few reasons that a property manager could be just what you need. Read More»

Why Selling A Vacant Home Can Be Challenging

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If you had to move out of your house for relocation purposes or because you closed on your new house, you may be left with a vacant house that you need to sell. Any real estate agent will tell you that selling a vacant house can be challenging, but do you know why? Here are several things you should understand about the challenges you may face when trying to sell your vacant house. Read More»

What Is The Truth About Home Appraisals?

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The home appraisal is just one of the many tasks that are needed before you can complete the sale of your home. Unfortunately, misunderstandings about the appraisal could result in delays in the closing. To help keep the sale on track, here are just a few of the myths about appraisals.   The Buyer Wants the Appraisal  One of the most commonly believed myths about a home appraisal is that it is requested by the buyer. Read More»